Puffin for Facebook


Puffin for Facebook Descrição

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Puffin for Facebook

Puffin for Facebook is developed and offered by the CloudMosa who is also the creator of the Puffin Web Browser. Even though this Puffin for Facebook is a special edition of the browser that is optimized for all Facebook users, it is still not associated with the Facebook Inc. The concept or goal of this application is to provide a better user experience with less of the data usage with a motto of "Better for Less." If a lot of you are wondering what this app is or what it does, it works as an alternative Facebook client. With that said the app is where the users can easily use the popular social network easily and quickly while saving their data allowances.

With the high data compression factor of this application, it consumes less data than other browsers which works beautifully to Puffin for the social network app, Facebook. Since this app is focusing on saving data, the photos’ view is set to default which is in low resolution. However, if the users would want to view the photos in high resolution, they will just have to shake their device. The execution is just simple as that.

In Puffin for Facebook, users can just open any link directly to the app as well as enjoy the same things that they love in the Puffin browser. However, users should take note that they cannot do chats in this app, and if they want or need to chat, they will need to have or download the Facebook Messenger separately. A possible better user experience is now made with Puffin for Facebook.

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