Pact - Earn Cash for Exercising


Pact - Earn Cash for Exercising Descrição

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Pact - Earn Cash for Exercising

In keeping a healthy lifestyle, this app is one of the best buddies to have. The Pack is a very effective tool for one to keep track on their fitness and weight loss especially for those who are having this resolution for this year. They can start it right with Pact. The fun part of having this app around is that while the users are staying active, they will also get to earn cash which is paid by other members who are not active. Pack app has set a philosophy that if the users can complete the goals they have set for their selves, they’ll earn money. But, if they fail even just for a day, they will be the one paying. With that said, it will obviously make the users to be motivated towards their goal than paying a hurtful amount just because they don’t feel like moving.

For the users to start their fitness and weight loss goal with this app, they will first have to select on the pact that they want to follow and choose on the corresponding conditions for it. For the users to earn more or less money, it will depend on the count of days a week that they will exercise. And again, if they fail, they will pay an amount that is always greater than the ones they earn. Users should also keep in mind that the amount they are earning and will be spending is real money. They will just have to link to their PayPal account to start.

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