

FaceQ Descrição

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Making an avatar of your own is incredibly fun and exciting as you get to see yourself in a different place. Today, there are actually a lot of apps in the store that can be downloaded and use to make one. One thing is for sure, FaceQ is just one of the best one can get. This app is known to be a powerful avatar maker tool. Even if the users don’t have any talent or simply doesn’t know how to draw, they can still create a cartoon avatar of their selves easily by just simply combining various face parts. This app comes with over hundreds of different elements in creating an avatar that also yields over thousands of unique results.

In starting using the app in creating an avatar, users will first select whether the avatar they are going to create is a male, female, or a couple. With the latter, users will get to pick between a boy-girl, boy-boy, and girl-girl couple. Once they are done on choosing which avatars they are going to work with, they will be routed to the very comprehensive character editor part of the app where they can choose from several dozens of face parts such as eyes, nose, mouth, as well as, thousands of different possible face combinations.

Another thing that users can do to their avatars in FaceQ is to decide on the clothing, outfitting their characters in any costumes including the ones in superhero, sports, or a simply plaid hipster shirt. Even the tiniest detail of an avatar like the arm position can still be decided by the users.

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